The Reddick Mansion Association is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer organization. There are numerous ways that volunteers can serve at the Mansion. If interested in volunteering, please call the Reddick Mansion at 815-433-6100.
The Mansion is open four days a week from 11 – 3 for tours, so the Association can always use more docents. New docents will undergo a training session where they will be given a Docent Handbook. Trainees will shadow experienced docents before taking tours on their own. Tours generally last 45 minutes to an hour and cover the family and building history plus a tour of the main floor and bedroom floor.
While the docents are giving tours, it is preferred to have someone in the office to answer the phone, take messages, or answer questions for people who come to the Mansion. No secretarial or computer experience is required.
Join the Reddick Mansion volunteer gardeners every Tuesday morning from 8-12 during the spring, summer, and early fall. This dedicated group, headed by RMA board member Nancy Barta, spent over 600 volunteer hours last year in making the award-winning Reddick Mansion gardens so beautiful.
The Reddick Mansion is host to numerous events throughout the year. The Association can always use volunteers to prepare and donate food for refreshments, to help usher, or to check-in guests.
Join the Reddick Mansion Association in November to decorate the Mansion in all of her Christmas splendor. Call the office (815-433-6100) for dates and times when the decorating crew will be working.